Sunday, September 14, 2008

Holiday Projects

The Holidays are fast approaching and we have TONS of projects planned for children and adults alike to make the holidays special-
be sure to keep watching the calendar for upcoming workshops and classes for gift giving and holiday ideas---it won't be long.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl what a good idea what a better gift than one ya make, my mother makes something for us girls every year. one year she made raggedy ann/andy {12sets} 3 ft tall, another year the sock monkeys etc. i would rather someone make me something than any store bought item because of course it is love-made not store-made i so look forward to my son blake making me something in industrial arts also the stories told about the classes through blake's eyes. out of the mouths of babes. always remember and never forget love-made not store-made.......bonnie of baltimore

About Me

happily married 20 yrs., 5 children, dogs(5), cats(6), parrotts(2).