Wednesday, February 25, 2009


so anyone who knows me at all, knows that I am about the most computer illiterate
person on the planet over the age of two--
still a paper and pencil kinda girl--
carrying around a sketchbook/notebook everywhere I go--
barely able to send an e-mail without, causing some kind of computer melt down that makes my husband spew out words that contain the power of a nuclear bomb.
Jeff sends me this thingy called Facebook some-kinda-crap and wants me to look at it.
that was the beginning of the end.
I am so there.
I Love this thing.
I am the person who has never felt that I would re-connect with anyone from High school- no reason- it just wouldn't happen. I have never gone to any sort of reunion or gathering. never looked anyone up.
But how cool is this !
They're all here !
it is so much fun to hear about husbands, wives, kids, jobs---LIFE !!!
They are the same---they are so different.
They are my past-
some may actually become a part of my present- future?
thanks to Jeff-
I might actually learn how to use this thing---
just a little.....just enough.

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About Me

happily married 20 yrs., 5 children, dogs(5), cats(6), parrotts(2).