Friday, April 23, 2010


Spring has arrived with all sorts of new things happening at the studio !
We have a full schedule of NEW and exciting classes to share with you-
our THURSDAY afternoon KIDSCLUB (4:30-5:30) $10 a session - has been such a big hit
We have decided to continue this thru the summer.
We have also added SUMMER CLASSES beginning the week of JUNE 8th & running
thru August. You can sign up for one week of classes or you can sign up for all of them !

We have a lot of great things planned !

We have also expanded our offering of PAINT-YOUR-OWN-POTTERY
this is available anytime the studio is open- $5.00 for 2/hrs for adults--$4.00/2hrs for kids covers studio glazing & firing + the price of the piece. Pottery prices start at under $5.00 each !
What an affordable way to spend an afternoon!

The gallery continues to grow as we add new artists and bring you new and beautiful work-
our most recent additions are :
Russell Updyke-Oil paintings (nice sportsman/outdoor scenes)
Amy Atkinson- Precious Metal Clay Jewelry (also offering classes)
and new work by many of our prior artists.

Stop in soon and see whats NEW !

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About Me

happily married 20 yrs., 5 children, dogs(5), cats(6), parrotts(2).