Friday, March 27, 2009


so much is going on.....
tonite is the big opening night performance of Liberty Union High Schools
Seussical the Musical
lots of schools put on this type of performance each year--but for us -this is quite the event- I think the last time there was a musical/play/drama performed at the high school--it was atleast three- maybe 4 years ago.
so for these kids- a great opportunity. they have worked very hard and are extremely excited.
personally, I can hardly wait to shove my BIG hind-end into one of those very small, old wooden theatre seats that we have in our very out-dated auditorium.
oh yea.
Robby is well- lovin' the surf and sun of Hawaii. although wished his work-time was more "military"--less "boring"-- not alot to do as a new marine until his unit returns from Afghanistan in april--then he will return with them(to AFGH) in november. but until then-- "HURRY UP AND WAIT"--welcome to the military,rob.

Ian is good. a man of few words. not much to say. healthy. happy. good.

Shelly...Shelly...Shelly...we sure do love Shelly.

Chelsey -- now 20-- made the decision to move in with her boyfriend-- and his parents.He is currently unemployed. nuff said.

Corinne just received word that she has rec'd enough scholarship/grant money to pay for her first year at Miami Univ. with $ to carryover to her 2nd-- with more interviews yet to go ! good job Cori ! now she doesn't have to stand on the sidewalk and wave at the "real" students inside the classrooms--she can be one too.

and on we go--
hope you are having a good week.

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About Me

happily married 20 yrs., 5 children, dogs(5), cats(6), parrotts(2).