Sunday, December 7, 2008

What does it all mean ????

With the holiday season upon us, I ponder the meaning of the season....
not a new concept to be sure--
but what does this whole Holiday season mean anyway ?
For most, it is a time to get together with family and friends--enjoy good food and company, while taking extra time off work to over indulge (in every conceivable way...), exchanging gifts--that we usually do not need nor can we afford--
BUT, all in the name of the HOLIDAYS and good cheer.
It's really not our fault.
We've been programmed this way since birth. Commercialism at it's best.
So we play along. Even though we KNOW we don't need all of the STUFF that we buy.
And even though we tell ourselves that we are going to do things differently--
here we go again...
so don't blame yourself...
don't be too hard on yourself.
just be sure to remember the true meaning behind the holidays
save your receipts.

1 comment:

Dale said...

--- and remember to re-gift! --- (this is just a blog-comment test ;-)

About Me

happily married 20 yrs., 5 children, dogs(5), cats(6), parrotts(2).