Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Life...

The last seven days in my world..........

My oldest daughter, Chelsey turned 20 on Wednesday and announced the same day her engagement to her 18 yr old boyfriend.
My oldest son, Robby- age 18, left for Marine bootcamp, he joined "infantry"- we will see him at Graduation in November.
I have three other teenagers at home- Corinne, a senior, will be 17 in 6 days, Ian- a sophomore, 15 1/2, and Shelly- a freshman, who will be 15 in 9 days----who all started school today.

Wow- summer is over- i don't know if i could have handled any more fun anyway....


Anonymous said...

this is a test to see if this is working.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Kathy kicks ass!

Anonymous said...

Hey girly girl...this is your new joisy mother stopping by to say hello:-) This is one fantastic "thing" you have going here...I am so proud of you and all of your efforts!!! And how about that Robbie boy!!!! I don't think the Marines will ever be the same!!!!!!! Keep going strong kiddo!! Love Kate

About Me

happily married 20 yrs., 5 children, dogs(5), cats(6), parrotts(2).